APRIL 29-30, 2022
We are thrilled that you are able to join us for this wonderful conference “Restoring the Lost Identity” here in sunny Florida! The last two years have been anything but easy for everyone and we have all had our share of troubles and heartaches. Over the last two years, the world as a whole, as well as those of us in Christ, have experienced feelings of hopelessness. The church has witnessed a sharp increase in anxiety, depression, and even suicide among its’ young people.
How are we to deal with and overcome these incredibly difficult circumstances and situations? We remind ourselves of our identity in Christ! In John 16:33 (NIV), it is written “In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”
During this conference, we will share practical tools and strategies on helping children find and know their identities in Christ. We will have experienced and godly teachers lead breakout sessions on finding and restoring our identity in Christ.
- Resources for helping children find their identity in Christ.
- Strategies for parents to raise their children during turmoil and unrest.
- Practical resources for parents to use in helping lead their children to Christ.
- Tools on how to identify anxiety, depression, and self harm in children/teens/youth.
We look forward to learning alongside and sharing our experiences with you. With the resources this conference will provide and with the help of the Holy Spirit, we believe you will surely come out of this conference with a renewed sense of purpose, hope, and a restored identity in Christ. You will be equipped to teach your students to find their identities in Christ and how to nurture that identity.
Friday, April 29
Start: 6:00pm
End: 8:30pm
Saturday, April 30
Start: 9:00am
End: 6:00pm
Global Outreach Charter Academy
8985 Lone Star Rd,
Jacksonville, FL 32211